Honor an exceptional teacher!
Honor an exceptional teacher! Nominations are currently being accepted for the Margaret Voss Howard Teacher Recognition Award, a fund of the Essex County Community Foundation.
The yearly award honors the contributions of one teacher from the Salem school district and one from the Marblehead district, each with a $500 unrestricted award. Teachers, other school employees, parents, students and citizens may nominate a teacher by submitting a detailed letter explaining why the teacher should be honored and sending it to: howardteacheraward@yahoo.com (preferred) or Teacher Award, 190 Bridge St., #2301, Salem, MA 01970.
Nominators should include their full contact information or a nomination form. Nominations must be postmarked by April 21. Honorees are selected by a committee of local educators.
For more information and a nomination form, send an e-mail to howardteacheraward@yahoo.com. Nomination materials are also available in most school and administrative offices.