Candidate for State Representative Jenny Armini to Reject Lobbyist Dollars

CONTACT: Bob LaRocca, 781-307-0950
Candidate for State Representative Jenny Armini to Reject Lobbyist Dollars
MARBLEHEAD – Jenny Armini, candidate for state representative for the 8th Essex District, announced today that she is rejecting contributions from registered lobbyists. Armini pledged to return any contribution to her campaign from lobbyists, as she continues to run on a promise of delivering results for the people of Marblehead, Swampscott, and Lynn.
“This campaign is a reflection of my values and how I will lead at the State House.” said Armini. “I am responsive to the people of this district and only to the people of this district. I am committed to a campaign free of special interest money, and I reject any donation from a registered lobbyist.”
Armini launched her campaign for state representative vowing to bring people together to solve the biggest issues facing people in the 8th Essex District. She has focused her campaign on fighting climate change, working to lower the cost of prescription drugs, supporting students from early learning through high school, and protecting reproductive rights.
“I am rejecting lobbyist money in this race because I want to be clear with voters: They can always trust me to be an effective advocate for their interests. Whether combating climate change or working to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, our next state representative must be independent and laser-focused on getting things done for the people, not special interests. If elected, I will do exactly that.”
Armini stated that since she launched her campaign she has received $3,200 out of more than $63,000 in overall contributions from registered lobbyists, the vast majority being former colleagues and personal friends.
“These are people who have worked with me and know my character and work ethic. They believe I will be an effective legislator and representative for the communities of the 8th Essex District,” Armini said. “However, I am returning every dime because I want to ensure there is never any question about whose interests I am seeking to represent at the State House. I want to make a clear statement that lobbyists and their money have no place in this campaign”.
An analysis published last month by the Marblehead Beacon reported that Armini was “far ahead of her five opponents with in-district fundraising” and that she had “received more contributions from Marblehead donors than all her opponents combined.”
“My priority has been and will always be the communities of Lynn, Marblehead and Swampscott, and I am proud and grateful to have such strong support across the district,” Armini said.
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