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Schools Seek Public Input on Budget

The Marblehead Public Schools are using an online platform called "Thought Exchange" to seek input from the community  including citizens, parents, teachers, administrators, and others  on their priorities with regard to the fiscal year 2024 school budget. 


Superintendent John Buckey is asking participants to answer the question: “As the School Department and administration begin budget planning and development, what are your top priorities for the FY24 budget?” Marblehead School Committee Chair Sarah Fox stressed that this is an opportunity for all community members to provide their feedback and urged as many people as possible to participate by sharing their preferences and priorities.


Participants are invited to share their thoughts in 150 characters or less and are then given another 150 characters to explain why their answer is important. Once these thoughts are submitted, there is the opportunity to rank other people's submissions on a scale from one to five, indicating the degree to which one agrees or disagrees with the submitted comment.


The school budget Thought Exchange is available here.


