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Here's Why Bob May Has My Vote

The 2020 election drove some hard facts home for me. The first is that just because Massachusetts is a deep blue state doesn't mean that I get a pass to hang around and whine about it. Note to self: Get busy, girl. Bob's 2020 loss (or, should I say, near win?) for State Rep unnerved the Dems enough to gerrymander him out of the district. The Dems' collective dusting-off of hands was short-lived. Bob's not one of the squishy Republicans they're used to pushing around. Not by a long shot.


Bob May is 100% America First. He stands for our most fundamental rights of free speech, to gather peacefully, and to bear arms. Bob is a regular guy who believes the working class should have work, be able to put food on the table, and fill their tank. He believes our government should put citizens before illegals and that our schools, military, and cultural institutions should forego social engineering and get back to basics.


Bob has this crazy idea that our economy will once again flourish if we stop offshoring our jobs, especially manufacturing. I try to buy "not made in China." What a nightmare. I'm sure third-world factories and wages are dreadful by our standards, but at least the workers aren't under duress of, "Work faster, or we'll take your liver." Bob will advocate tirelessly to repatriate our manufacturing.


Another no-brainer Bob supports is reinstating the Keystone Pipeline and our licenses to drill on federal lands. When Biden shuffled into office, we were 100%, energy independent. We are now on bended knee at the House of Saud, begging for oil. And don't get me started on selling our Strategic Oil Reserves to, of all places, China!


Speaking of China, this brings me to Bob's belief that our enemies should fear us again. Peace through strength. We can't do that without a military that is at the ready. Our military is not prepared for anything other than the next trans-sensitivity or pronoun-proficiency workshop. Last year, a fire destroyed one of our docked Navy vessels. Why? Because the crew had not been trained in the most basic safety protocol of extinguishing an onboard fire. Recently, a poorly secured fighter jet on the USS Harry S. Truman was swept overboard in the Mediterranean Sea. A decade ago, I laughed at the possibility of China building a formidable Navy. Bob May will support all efforts to strengthen our military and make America safe again.


Disgusted with Biden's puppeteers' managed dismantling of the greatest democracy on Earth, our closet conservatives have left the door ajar. To step out, all they need is the realization that they are not alone. That, or the rocketing inflation, the open Southern border, and the Department of Indoctrination's – oops, Education’s – radical agenda bests the need to care what the Blue Checks think. The poor and the working and middle classes cannot afford to vote Democrat anymore. The challenge is to awaken most Massachusettsians to what they already know – that the people's party is now the (America First) Republican Party.


Bob May is passionate and committed to riding the Red Wave to Washington. With our support – donations, volunteering, displaying a yard sign, or talking up the issues to friends and family - Bob will retire the woke Seth Mouton. Years ago, I stopped being shy about my beliefs. The eye rolls don't bother me anymore. If people don't listen, I believe, on some level, they hear. It's sinking in. It starts here, so speak up. Let's send Bob May to Washington!


Laura Tamagno
