Sex in the Backyard, Underage Drinking, & Graffiti
Editor’s Note: Marblehead Beacon highlights certain events for publication, which include information obtained from incident and arrest reports, and on occasion from court documents. We do not attest to the veracity of anything contained in such documents, and only publish redacted versions of what are matters of public record. There will be little to no information regarding specifics in cases of domestic violence, matters pertaining to juveniles, incidents in which an individual is taken into protective custody, and select matters that remain under police investigation
Police Log July 2 to July 9, 2022
July 2
In Seaside Park at approximately 1:40 AM police officers observed new graffiti on the large tennis wall as well as on a bench near the basketball court. The Recreation and Parks Department was notified.

A hit-and-run accident with property damage to a residential stone wall was reported by an Ocean Avenue resident who observed the culprit on surveillance cameras. Police tracked down the responsible individual who admitted to causing the damage.

July 3
At approximately 6:45 PM, Vehicle one was traveling on Atlantic Avenue and Vehicle two was traveling on Ocean Avenue. When they approached the intersection, Vehicle Two went through the red light, striking Vehicle one and causing damage to both vehicles. No injuries were reported.
A report was made that a boat was sinking in Marblehead Harbor.
July 4
Several individuals reportedly got into a verbal and brief physical altercation at approximately 10:00 PM on the dock of the Corinthian Yacht Club concerning some people standing in the way of others. None of the parties wished to pursue matters further with the police.
In a matter still under investigation, multiple police units responded to reports of underage drinking taking place at Brown’s Island.
At approximately 11:15 AM, Vehicle one was driving on Harbor Avenue as Vehicle Two was crossing Harbor Avenue on Nanepashemet Street. Vehicle two did not see Vehicle one and hit it, causing airbag deployments and damage to both cars. No injuries were reported.
Still under investigation is an alleged theft of a motor vehicle from Pond Street. An arrest was made of one individual for Larceny of a Motor Vehicle and Operating a Motor Vehicle With a Suspended License.
Police responded to reports of individuals engaging in sexual relations in a back yard on Gregory Street.
Police responded to reports of a “group of guys with canons” in the area of Front Street.
July 5
At approximately 6:00 PM police responded to reports of a male subject on a bike on the second floor of Village Plaza allegedly yelling and swearing at customers of a dental practice, most of whom are children. Police were unable to locate the male in question but discussed options with the business owner.
A report came in of a boat sinking in waters off Marblehead. The boat’s owner was reached.
At approximately 6:45 PM a woman residing on Cressy Street reported to police that a couple who are her neighbors had been threatening her and banging on her door, scaring her children. She informed police that she and the couple are involved in an ongoing legal matter. Police spoke with the couple about their alleged behavior
July 6
A green paddle board was alleged to have been stolen from Brown’s Island.
July 8
At approximately 7:15 AM Vehicle one was traveling on Harbor Avenue and stopped to turn left onto Ballast Lane. At that point Vehicle two, which had been traveling behind Vehicle one, crossed the double yellow line and struck Vehicle one on the driver’s door, causing damage. No injuries were reported.
Still under investigation is an allegation of a Breaking and Entering and Burglary on Atlantic Avenue.
Twelve reports were made of fireworks being discharged between July 2 and July 9.
Five reports of hit-and-runs with property damage to parked cars were alleged to have taken place between July 2 and July 9, 2022.
Nineteen verbal warnings or citations for moving violations were issued between July 2 and July 9, 2022.
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