Teachers' Union: District Failed to Provide a Safe Environment for Students and Staff
Staff Members on Administrative Leave, Leadership Changes, & Review of Student Restraint Protocols at Glover School
McGuinness Takes the Lead: Her Vision for Marblehead's Schools
Tears, Information, and Inspiration As Four Israelis Visit Marblehead’s JCC
Four Israelis to Share Stories at Marblehead JCC on Sunday
“Black Lives Matter” Flag Once Again on Display at Marblehead High School
Select Board and School Committee Dispute Coffin School Property
Marblehead School Committee Votes Unanimously In Support of Superintendent’s Statement on Israel
School Committee to Discuss Complaint Against Cresta in Open Session
Cresta’s Email In Support of Israel Subject of Official Complaint from Marblehead Resident
Marbleheaders with Ties to Israel Share Heartbreak, Horror, and Disbelief
Theresa McGuinness Offered Interim Superintendent Position on 4 to 1 Vote
School Committee Delays Vote on Interim Superintendent Hire
ARPA Update: How Has the $6.1 Million Been Spent?
In Their Own Words: Marblehead Hears from Two Candidates for Interim Superintendent
Two Candidates Named as Finalists for Interim Superintendent
Michelle Cresta’s Many Hats
Book Controversies, Vaping, and Literacy Concerns: Perspectives From Marblehead's Former Middle School Librarian
Opening the Vault: School Committee Releases Executive Session Minutes
Marblehead’s Recess Wars: An Update
Forging Ahead: After Hearing Community’s Complaints, School Committee Talks Next Steps & Other Business
What Went Wrong? Perspectives on the Superintendent Saga
Michelle Cresta Named Acting Superintendent
School Committee and Superintendent Reach Agreement
Is Open-Meeting Violation Complaint Against School Committee Valid?
School Committee Meets Again Today Re: Superintendent
School Committee Member Provides Details on Threatening Balloon Incident
Surprise Adjournment, School Committee Member Threatened
School Committee Sought Amicable Resolution with Superintendent Beginning Last Week
Will Marblehead Part Ways with Superintendent Buckey? Earlier Events Foreshadowed Current Tensions
School Committee to Discuss Early Termination Clause in Superintendent Contract
$12 Fee Increase Per Student Will Fund Freshman Sports
Ota: Ethics Board Says No Conflict of Interest Resulting From Discrimination Complaint
Superintendent Argues Against Reconsidering Budget Cuts: Don’t “Feed the Narrative That It Was Scare Tactics All Along”
The People of Marblehead Have Spoken
Election Overview: Quick Takes
Superintendent Declines Raise or Contract Extension as Election Looms
School Committee Perspectives: Parents' Role In Schools
Rec & Park Perspectives: Town vs. Schools
Electric Light Dept Perspectives: Prioritizing Rates vs. Conservation vs. Maintenance
Rec & Park Perspectives: How Should a $2 Million Bequest Be Spent?
Select Board Perspectives: Override This Year And/Or Next?
Electric Light Dept Perspectives: Is It Feasible and Safe to Transition to All Electric?
Superintendent Receives Three “Proficients” and Two “Needs Improvements” from School Committee
BOH Perspectives: How to Address Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues
School Committee Perspectives: What Happens if Override Doesn't Pass?
Select Board Perspectives: Time to Revamp Appointment Process?
Electric Light Dept Perspectives: Is the Peaker Plant a Good Idea?
Rec & Park Perspectives: Better Beach Management?
School Committee Perspectives: Why Aren’t Marblehead’s Students Doing Better?
Select Board Perspectives: Better Governance or Good Enough Already?
Four Candidates Vie for Two Spots on School Committee
Pro-transparency Message Dominates Town Meeting’s Final Night
Marbleheaders rallied to attend a third night of Town Meeting on Wednesday, May 3
Override Sent to Ballot, Speakers Heckled, Town Meeting Extended to Third Night
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Town Meeting 2023 Part One
Democracy in Action: Town Meeting Begins Tonight
Member for
3 yearsJenniferL@marbleheadbeacon.com
Jennifer has worked as a professional writer for most of her career, with a particular focus on making complex scientific and business-related concepts accessible to a broad audience of shareholders, customers, and the general public. She has been responsible for developing strategy and writing annual reports and marketing materials for companies including Genzyme Pharmaceuticals, Boston Biomedica, Instrumentation Laboratories, and Cambridge Neuroscience. Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Arts degree Magna Cum Laude in English from Brown University and subsequently started Word Designs, a communications firm focused primarily on serving the needs of Boston’s biotechnology community. She currently lives in Marblehead with her husband Jonathan and their seven children, where she has been actively involved in local community life.